Sunday, December 18, 2011

Food Safety Strategies From The Market to the Table Part 4 Farmers markets have become more common, with 4385 US farmers markets in 2006, up from 1755 farmers markets in 1994, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Eating food shipped from overseas? The melamine-tainted animal feed ingredients came from China. But that doesn't mean that all imported food is suspect. "The assumption that the imported products are unsafe is absolutely not true," Pillai says. "In fact, there are as many outbreaks associated with foods grown in the United States. So blaming it on imported products, I think, is a cop-out." 2. Map your supermarket route. Don't cruise the store aisles aimlessly. Gather nonperishable items first, fresh or frozen goods last. That strategy minimizes the time that perishable goods sit in your shopping cart instead of in a freezer or refrigerator. 3. Be choosy. Select fresh produce that isn't bruised or damaged. Check that eggs aren't cracked. Look for a clean meat or fish counter and a clean salad bar. Don't buy bulging or dented cans, cracked jars, or jars with loose or bulging lids. If fresh-cut produce (such as half a watermelon or bagged salad mixes) is on your shopping list, choose those that are refrigerated or surrounded by ice. 4. Pack it up. At the grocery store, bag fresh fruits and vegetables separately from meat, poultry, and seafood products.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

14 Health Benefits For Taking Activated Zeolite Or Immune Detox

!±8± 14 Health Benefits For Taking Activated Zeolite Or Immune Detox

Activated Liquid Zeolite's key health benefits. There are 14 key reasons why liquid zeolite is claimed to be such a unique and extraordinary food supplement:
Extremely safe and non-toxic: Extremely safe and non-toxic: liquid zeolite is completely natural and 100% non-toxic. It is totally eliminated from the body after 5 to 7 hours. Liquid zeolite has been safely used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children. Also safe to take with most medication, but always check with your doctor first. Removes heavy metals: Liquid zeolite has the perfect molecular structure for capturing and removing heavy metals from the body, including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminium, tin and excess iron. It also removes radioactive metals like cesium and Strontium-90. The process begins immediately and takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Removes pesticides, herbicides and dioxins:Although liquid zeolite is unable to remove these directly due to their negative or neutral charge, by reducing the toxic load to the liver, liver-induced glucuronidation, their main means of removal, is increased. As these chemicals are prime candidates for triggering cancer and disrupting hormone balances, even in low levels, it is very important that they are removed from the body as quickly as possible. Reduces viral load: And once the heavy metal concentrations have been reduced, the zeolite latches on to viral pieces or components. Because viruses replicate by first manufacturing viral components and then assembling them into a complete virus, liquid zeolite, in essence, removes parts from the assembly line and blocks viral replication. Reduces absorption of nitrosamines: Nitrosamines (or nitrates) are most commonly found in processed meats, and have been linked to pancreatic, stomach and colon cancer, as well as to Type II diabetes. Liquid zeolite captures nitrosamines in the digestive tract before they can be absorbed. Helps buffer body pH to a healthy alkalinity: A slightly alkaline body pH (7.35 - 7.45) is essential for good health and optimal immune function. Liquid zeolite attracts and then buffers excess protons which cause acidity and in this way can help many conditions from acid reflux to Candida and arthritis. Helps to buffer blood sugar: in the same way that liquid zeolite can buffer excess protons and thus help balance body pH, it can also buffer excess glucose by its negative charge and therefore helps reduce blood sugar spikes. Helps reduce cancer risk: Evidence is accumulating that liquid zeolite not only removes toxins that can cause cancer (75% or more of cancers may be toxin-related), but can also destroy cancer cells directly by triggering the P-21 tumor repressor gene. [N.B. This does not mean that liquid zeolite is a cancer treatment per se, but rather that it is a useful supplement to integrate into a treatment program.] Improves nutrient absorption: In the gastro-intestinal tract, the presence of liquid zeolite increases nutrient absorption and helps promote healthy gut microorganisms, decreasing the likelihood of stomach flus and infections. Acts as a powerful antioxidant: The cage-like structure of liquid zeolite also traps free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant. [N.B. This does not mean that liquid zeolite is a substitute for more conventional antioxidants such as Vitamins C, E and A, lutein and selenium, all of which have other vital roles to play in the body.] Reduces symptoms of allergies: Liquid zeolite captures some of the allergens and antigens that trigger allergies, migraines, and asthma, and helps to reduce symptoms. Increases immune system function: Liquid zeolite does not stimulate the immune system, but allows it to function optimally by removing toxins, viruses, yeasts, bacteria and fungi which can depress immune function and interfere with hormones. Many people report feeling increased energy, clarity and vitality. Helps prevent premature ageing: Many people age prematurely due to a build-up of toxins which interferes with optimal metabolic function and cellular repair. By using it to remove this toxic overload, the body's normal repair and regeneration mechanisms are free to work efficiently. Extremely easy and pleasant to take: Most serious detox solutions are difficult to take (many are injected or given as an enema, or must be taken away from meals), taste unpleasant, and can leave a person feeling drained because they indiscriminately remove healthy metal ions as well. By contrast, liquid zeolite is a small bottle of tasteless liquid that can be taken with or without food and that removes only unhealthy ions.

14 Health Benefits For Taking Activated Zeolite Or Immune Detox

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marine Phytoplankton Benefits Part 1 "Scientists have for a long time been on the quest for finding the best food supplement that can really benefit mankind and serve as the best nutritional meal. It was quite an impossible task until the discovery of the Marine Phytoplankton which is found abundantly in the ocean and is known to be the main source of food for all sea creatures that is from the smallest fish in the ocean to the largest blue whale. Marin Phytoplankton is also known as the main source of the earth's oxygen and provides you with 400 time's more energy then any plant found in the world. The benefits of this miracle food were discovered by a Canadian lung cancer patient who got cured by taking the miracle plankton. These planktons are known to provide longevity and power of endurance in any physical or mental tasks that you do throughout your life. Scientists have carried out experiments and found phytoplankton to be the super food that has all the essential elements required for healthy living. Consider for instance, research concludes that the plankton is known to have no residue at all. Every mineral or content that constitutes to its structure is absorbed by different parts of the body, meaning 100% nutritional acceptance. Elizabeth, New Jersey Equatorial Guinea, Malabo Thousand Oaks, California Mount Isa Queensland Australia Santa Clara, California Madagascar, Antananarivo Dubbo, Australia Djibouti, Djibouti Cockburn, Victoria Ash Sha'm, United Arab Emirates ...

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